Grow Up.

Grow Up.

Social media is not better than real life. It’s sad I need to remind us of that.

I cannot count the number of times people get offended others aren’t “following them” on social media. Usually, I just laugh it off and roll my eyes, but this time I need to vent. I need to make this abundantly clear:

Just because someone does not follow you on social media does not mean you are not important to them, not a good athlete or not interesting enough. In fact, here’s a secret, you might be BETTER IN PERSON, and they would like to keep your relationship that way. Imagine that! Someone wants to see you IN REAL LIFE!

The petty bullshit I have seen recently just has to stop. There are so many reasons someone might not follow you and it has NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU. For example, my rules for social media are as follows:

1.)   I have to know you and have met you in person

2.)   I have to LIKE YOU

3.)   I have to have physically touched you

However, because this is MY LIFE there are about as many disclaimers as there are in every study on nutrition or how VO2Max is or is not coordinated with performance. A few of mine include:

1.)   You satisfy those requirements, but I forgot to follow you because I do not scroll

2.)   I forgot

3.)   You have opinions that I don’t want to hear because hearing them will make me not like you

4.)   I am in a mental low state and your posts make me feel lousy

5.)   I am busy and I forgot

6.)   I forgot

7.)   Oh and my favorite, I forgot so get the fuck over it

Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ. Do you honestly think the professional athletes we aspire to be like go through their feeds and notice if others do or don’t follow them? Hell no. What a way to mess up their mental health. The number of followers they have has NOTHING TO DO WITH PERFORMANCE and they know it.

Magda does not follow me on social media. Neither does Tyler or Drew. Photo credit: Billy Yang, who also does not follow me on social media.


So your mom doesn’t follow you. Grow up.

So your best friend from 2nd grade doesn’t follow you. Grow up.

So your ex-girlfriend who you want to know is dating someone worse than you doesn’t follow you. Grow up.

Don’t be that person. Stop checking so much. Break the addiction. A text is always better than a DM. A call is better than a scroll down someone’s feed. Take that person out to coffee and bagels instead of scorning their lack of follow.

They like you. Trust that and forget about it. Let social media be a tool to use. Do not let it use you.

End rant. Thanks to Zoe Rom for her recent post, which y’all should read and subscribe to Relay.

Ellie Pell