What I Eat In A Day April 2020
I remain a runner, and part time biker even in this strange time of pause. There are no races to train for, yet I lace up my shoes and get on the bike everyday. My eating has changed with the time. I simply make my meals out of the “past-the-sell-by” date suggestion from my job.
I am so lucky. I feel like I eat like a queen.
I’ve no dietary restrictions anymore. Being vegan, although important when I purchase my food mostly, has become secondary to “free-gan”. I lost my job, and now only work part time. Cutting my expenses when it comes to food is a nice perk of working where I do.
My company is Jewish and we recently celebrated Passover, therefore my main meals are made from the “Passed-over” food. See what I did there?
It feels different, but I’m still training for something, trying new things, giving myself space to do whatever I want. The following is how I’m currently fueling, and damn is it delicious!
overnight oats or yogurt mixed with sunflower seeds topped with peanut butter, blueberries and granola
Salad with two salmon fillets, dragon sauce dressing, tomatoes, pickles, sprouts and roasted broccoli, side of chips
hobo brownie (secret recipe for our podcast patreon subscribers)
egg and cheese breakfast burrito with mushroom bacon and sprouts, side of broccoli
another hobo brownie or a chocolate regal slice cake from work
I feel not need to explain my food choices, they simply nourish me and most of it was free. I don’t have much motivation to cook anything new, yet combining the parts of the expired food into a new meal or salad is quite the hobby. Each of the salads I bring home has stuff I don’t like and stuff I do, so I pick and choose and then douse everything in dressing. The salmon from Passover has been a high bump to my usually spread. Salmon is the only meat I really consume and it’s expensive, so I feel lucky. The one thing I’ve bought at the grocery store that has made me feel normal is blueberries. It’s my treat and I hope I can afford them when I want.
Living in a van prepared me for this life I’ll say, though next time I’d rather choose this path than have it chose for me.