Base Day 3

My third day in a row with double runs. I feel really good about that, and tomorrow will be a single, short jaunt while watching my teammate run on the treadmill. I will jog her warm up and cool down…maybe.

My legs were sore this morning from strength work yesterday. I am only running easy miles, so being careful with speed isn’t so hard. After the first few miles, my legs loosened up and it was quite a nice morning. I read and relaxed most of the morning and did my core work before making lunch. I napped and read until my second run that afternoon, which felt really good! I expected to feel wonky especially since my legs were sore in the morning, but it turns out if you sit on your ass all day and recover properly, a second run could be faster than the first. Especially if you’ve got a speedy running buddy.

AM: 12 miles

Strength: Core and mobility

PM: 7.4 miles

Extras: 60 minute nap and foam rolling

Food: BREAKFAST (oatmeal/Pb/nuts/watermelon) LUNCH (melting potatoes/salmon/pickles) DINNER (yellow rice/lentils/sun butter sauce/raisins/pickled celery) SNACK (yogurt/Pb/cookies)

Ellie Pell