Hamstrings and Heartstrings, Running Talk with Chris and Ellie

My friend Chris, of Running Inside Out podcast fame, have started our own spin-off show. We’ve titled it Hamstrings (me) and Heartstrings (him) and we will mostly talk about us. About our running, about not running, about the emotions, feelings, workouts and food that goes into our separate training.

I was recently on Chris’s podcast, which you can listen to here


We had so much fun, it was hard to stop at 90 minutes! Afterwards, we discussed possibly having a spin off show or regular show on his podcast. That initially drew me in because I enjoy it when my favorite podcasts have regular guests or a monthly series. However, Chris wanted a separate show, which now makes more sense to me. It gives me the opportunity to have some creative license and learn. Chris is a podcast pro, and I’m pretty new. I have limited experience with all the technology and a renewed appreciation for podcasters who sound good.

Chris sounds good, and I want our show to reflect his mastery in that space. I want everything to sound professional (not iPod headphones, got it!) and I also want the show to flow. It’s fun to do off-the-cuff things, but I see the value in having a basic agenda. There are less silences, I’m able to come in with more anecdotes and experience. There’s been many laughs, many “oh shit” and “come on SKYPE!” but mainly, we’re doing something good, I can feel it.

We do not plan to have guests, topic based shows are of more interest. In our first episode, we discussed our past races, but also about the difference between marathon pain and ultra pain, larger races versus smaller events and our vegan diets.

I really like podcasts, so doing this is more fun for us than anything else. We’re amateurs, (well, I am) and doing this basically keeps us in touch with each other and also, makes us pause and reflect more deeply about the current state of running in our lives. I’m excited to make this a regular part of the week!


Hamstrings And Heartstrings, Running Talk with Chris and Ellie

Check it out on iTunes and leave a rating and review. I have and will give everyone a shout out on my social media, I love connecting with you all!

Thanks in advance, and Happy Holidays!

Ellie Pell