Get To The Starting Line


I’ve been nursing this IT band injury (soreness? discomfort?) for almost 3 weeks now. I know I’m being smart. I know this is helping me in the long run. But man, it’s getting frustrating! I know I’m keeping fit doing bike and elliptical workouts. I’ve started to run a bit this week and I know it’ll come back to me…but this wasn’t exactly what I envisioned my Olympic Trials build to be.

Thinking more deeply though, maybe I did.

I remember a conversation I had with my friend Julie, and then my teammates Chelsea and Bailey back in July, about my chances of reaching the B standard, and how much of a pipe dream it was. I remember telling them that if I did get it, I was just going to enjoy the whole experience. I planned to run the race more to see other athletes compete, rather than for my own personal goals.

Then I had a wonderful training cycle with my teammates. Then I had so much fun training. Then, I got the OTQ…with a cushion to spare. Then I started to believe other things were possible if I wanted it. I started to want it, not obsessively, but I began to look outside my personal box and dream of maybe notching down my times more.

Even after JFK, which was so painfully fun I can’t believe how it turned out, I still didn’t want to box myself into a corner. Ultras? Marathons? Shorter stuff? Honestly, I love running, so it all sounded groovy to me. My teammates were training for the Trials, so why not keep doing that?

Thankfully I am not paid to run and train, so all this introspection is just that, my reflections upon my inner self. Running, training, it all remains fun. Even when I am on the bike and elliptical (so…many…intervals!) I am envisioning that start line in Atlanta. I see myself there, with everyone, laced up to run.

As long as I can get there and run that race, this crosstraining, this “smart training” is worth it. I’m not bored on the bike, I am maintaining my gym work and consistency. My training block is just different.

And that’s ok. It’s all gravy.

The marathon doesn’t owe me anything. I however owe myself the chance to get to the starting line at the OLYMPIC FUCKING TRIALS and be able to run the race.

And that I’ll do. So I press on.

Ellie Pell